Promocode Notice

Promocodes are now digital and unique.

In May 2022 we upgraded our event management systems. As of May, promocodes have changed to a digital form. To redeem a former card, please email to transfer your gift-card or coupon and we will send you a digital code to redeem at check-out. Bada Bing!

The same applies for 5-Stars rewards. If you qualify for a discount or a free seat accrued from your loyalty points (you're awesome btw!), email us. We’ll debit your points from 5-Stars and reply with a digital promocode you can then enter at check out. Bada Boom!

If you’re registering for an event occurring today, and the office does not have the opportunity to digitize your code, you have two options: (1) register now and pay, then email us and we’ll process a refund after verifying the former promocode(s); we are happy to do this. (2) Arrive as a walk-in, show the former card, and we’ll get you in (seats permitting). Tip: on the event page click “show details” to see an occupancy status!

IMPORTANT: If you enter and apply a promocode in the new system then ABANDON or EMPTY the cart, the value on the promocode is lost. If you run into trouble, simply email us for help.

Happy Painting!!
Purple Easel
Enriching Lives Through the Joy of Painting