All Currently Published Paintings
- 12th Day of Christmas
- 24
- A Bigger Boat
- A Day of Magic
- A Dolphins Paradise
- A Festive Boy
- A Harvest Moon
- A Lil’ Bit of Spice
- A Little Friend
- A Night of Magic
- A Quiet Boat Ride
- A Quiet Breeze
- A Vibrant Wish
- Ab-DUCK-tion Pt.I
- Abstract Frankie
- Abstract Lisa
- Aerial Flash
- Afternoon Strolls
- Van Gogh’s Almond Blossoms
- Alone
- America the Beautiful
- Amethyst Autumn
- An Evening with You
- And To All a Good Night
- Another Planet
- Another Universe
- Ansel Adams The Tetons
- As Above So Below
- Astro Duck Pt.II
- Autumn Bridge
- Autumn Crisp
- Autumn Forest
- Autumn Fox
- Autumn Morning
- Autumn Pumpkins
- Away In A Manger
- Axolotl Swim
- Babbling Brook
- Backwoods Lake
- Backyard Blues
- Backyard Sun Rays
- Bashful Hedgehog
- Basquiat’s Pez Dispenser
- Battle at Hogwarts
- Battle on Hoth
- BB Droid
- Be Mine
- Be Still
- Beach Boardwalk
- Beach Days
- Bear to go Alone
- Beautiful Bubbles
- Beautiful Butterfly
- Bee-Day Honey Bear
- Beecher’s Hope
- Before I Met You
- Below the Tide
- Below the Wisteria
- Berry Bird
- Beyond the Hills
- Beyond Wonderland
- Big City Dreams
- Big Eyes the Owl
- Bioluminescence
- Birch Forest
- Birch Wood Forest
- Birds of a Feather
- Black Bear Spring
- Black Cat Magic
- Blissful Blues
- Blissful Resting
- Bloomin Butterfly
- Blue Christmas
- Blue Door
- Blue Moon Pumpkin
- Blue Sky Branches
- Blue Valentine
- Blueberry Milk
- Blush and Bubbles (new)
- Blustery Autumn
- Boat Days
- Bonsai Blues
- Bonsai Sunset
- Bonsai Zen
- Boo!
- Boo?
- Bougainvillea’s by the Oceanside
- Box of Roses
- Break the Spell
- Bright Christmas
- Bright Dino
- Bright Owl
- Bright Sunset
- Brightest Day, Darkest Night
- Brontosaurus Lake
- Bubbles the Goldfish
- Buggin Out
- Build-a-Bot
- Burb
- Butterfly Magic
- Buzzy Bee – NEW
- By the Seashore
- Calcifer’s Breakfast
- Cali Christmas
- Cali Dreaming
- Cali Livin
- Cali Surf
- California LUV
- California Nights
- California’s Balance
- Call the Doctor!
- Calm Hills
- Calm Paradise
- Candicorn
- Candlelit Nights
- Candlestick Ghost
- Candy Love
- Canine Cop
- Can’t Wait to be King
- Canyon Hikers
- Castle Dracula
- Dragons
- Cat Fish
- Catching Dreams
- Catrina
- Celestial Ball
- Changing of the Leaves
- Chaparral Roam
- Chashu, Please!
- Cheeky Corgi
- Cheerful Pine
- Cheers St Patty
- Chickadee
- Children Only
- Chill Fam
- Chill Vibes
- Chilly Twilight
- Christmas Angel (single)
- Christmas Campfire
- Cardinal Christmas
- Christmas Lights
- Christmas Night
- Christmas Ribbon Tree
- Christmas Time is Here
- Citrus Bloom
- City Love
- City of Stars
- Clink
- Cloudy Heart
- Coachella Valley
- Coast
- Coin Cove
- Cold Comfort
- Cold Palms
- Cold Spring Flowers
- Cold Winter Night
- Color Blind
- Colorful Reef
- Come In
- Como La Flor
- Concrete Jungle
- Cool Cat
- Cool Claus
- Cooler Cactus
- Coral Florals
- Cosmic Canyon
- Cosmic Cocktail
- Cosmic Dunes
- Cotton Candy Party
- Cozy Cardinals
- Cozy Creek
- Cozy Holiday
- Cozy Winter
- Cozy Winter Night
- Create-a-Coraline
- Crocodilly
- Cuddly Koala
- C’est la Vie
- Da-Num
- Daisy Sherbet
- Dark Desires
- Darkest Depths
- Darkest Night
- Dawn Horizon
- Delicate Sunset
- Desert at Dusk
- Desert Walker
- Dewdrop Web
- Dewy Jungle
- Divine
- Doe in the Snow
- Dos Naranjas
- Dough-ja Cat
- Down by the Bayou
- Dracula’s Castle
- Dragonstone
- Dreamin by the Sea
- Dreams
- Dry Dry Desert
- Duck Duck Goose
- Duck, Duck, Home Pt.III
- Duckie
- Dunder Mifflin
- Dusty Skies
- Eastern Shore
- Effervescent Vase
- Egret
- Electric Frankenstein
- Electric Love
- Elefante
- Elk Woods
- Ellie
- Embrace
- Emerald Saguaro
- Enchanted Rose
- Enchantress
- End of the Season
- Escape from the Upside Down
- Evening Oasis
- Evening Sunset
- Evergreen Cabin
- Every Witch Way
- Fall Fox
- Meagan Fan Painting
- Femme
- Ferns and Falls
- Field de Lions
- Field of Flowers
- Fiery Steed
- Fire Falls
- Firefly Forest
- Flamboyance
- Flamboyant Fish
- Flamingo Dance
- Flippin Your Fins
- Floating Lanterns
- Floating Up
- Flower Collector
- Flowers by the Sea
- Flowers for Mom
- Flowers of the Field
- Fluffy and Lucky
- Flying Through the City
- Follow the Rainbow
- For Santa
- For the Empire
- Forgotten Bridge
- Forgotten Forest
- Fox Flowers
- Fox Forest
- Frank the Frog
- Free Spirit
- Freedom to Love
- Frida Dream
- Friendly Cow
- Frizbee Dog
- From Another Planet
- From my Neighbor
- From Santa
- Frosted Mistletoe
- Frosted Path
- Frosty on the Move
- Frosty Wreath
- Frozen Forest
- Fuzzy Wuzzy
- Galactic Blossom
- Galactic Palms
- Galactic Pines
- Gardener’s Delight
- Gentle Violet
- Ghost Pumpkin
- Gifts from Greece
- Give Thanks!
- Glass Rose
- Glass Sea
- Glitter Tree
- Glow-Fly
- Glowing Spores
- Goin Up!
- Golden Clover
- Golden Deer
- Golden Gate Sunrise
- Golden Snitch
- Good Boy
- Good Conditions
- Good Morning Rooster
- Gorgeous Goose!
- Graceful Night
- Grad Night
- Bison
- Grand Branching Out
- Colorful Birds
- Grand Cow
- Downtown LA
- Grand Harvest Bounty
- Grand Life
- Ode to Cello
- Grand Orchestra
- Reflections
- Grand Rusty Gold
- Grand Starry Night
- Grand Water Lilies
- Great Falls
- Grecco Romance
- Green Goodies
- Grim Grinning Ghosts
- Grim Night
- Grizzly Autumn
- Groovy Globe
- Growing Awareness
- Guitarra
- Gummy Buddies
- Hanging Garden
- Happily Ever After
- Happy Feet
- Happy Ghosty
- Happy Halloween
- Happy Hanukkah
- Happy Haunt
- Happy Jacks
- Happy Lil Trees
- Happy Sloth
- Harvest Pies
- Harvest Pumpkins
- Haunted House
- Hawaiian Tropics
- Hazy Twilight
- He is Risen Indeed
- He is Risen Kids
- He Was Born
- Heart of Glass
- Heatwave
- Hedgehog Spring
- Herald Angel
- Heros Journey
- Hidden Beach
- Hidden Falls
- His and Her Mugs NEW
- Hogwarts
- Holy Mackerel!
- Home of the Brave
- Honolulu
- Hot Cider
- How Far I’ll Go
- Howdy Girl!
- Howl at the Moon
- Hungry Panda
- Huntington at Sunset
- Zelda
- I Am Your Father
- I Believe!
- I Put a Spell on You
- Ice Fishin’
- Icy Narwhal
- Icy Wonderland
- Imagine Summer
- In a While Crocodile
- In the Rain
- Indigo Moonlight
- International Orange
- Into, Across, & Beyond
- Island Days
- Italian Spring
- It’s Frickin Bats
- It’s Showtime
- I’ll Be Home for Christmas
- Im Ready!
- Jack o’ Mouse
- Blue Glowstick
- Jelly Glow
- Journey to the Top
- Jovial Jellies
- Joyful Splashing
- Jumpy Jellyfish
- June Lake
- Juneteenth Flag
- Jungle Love
- Just Hangin’ Around
- Kayak Canyon
- Kessel Run
- Axolotl Swim (kids)
- DÃa de Muertos for Kids
- Hero’s Journey (kids)
- Lazy River (kids)
- Kids Life Tree
- Kids Modern America
- Kids Monet Water Lilies
- Kids Moonlit Pond
- Kids Neon-d the Grave
- Kids Polar Lights
- Kids Safari
- Silent Night
- Kids Sorbet Sunset
- Kids Starry Holiday
- Kids Starry Night
- Kiki’s Magical Kitten
- Kitty Cat
- Kitty Flower Explosion
- Knight of Ren
- Knittin’ Kitten
- Koi Pond
- Krab Shuffle
- Kuro Bonsai
- La Catrina Frida
- la Dame de Fer
- La Ratatouille
- Lakeside Sunset
- Landing Point
- Lanterns of Light
- Lanterns on the Water
- Late Night Munchies
- Lazy River
- Lazy Sails
- Leprechaun Hat
- Let it Go
- Let Love Grow
- Libertad
- Life Finds A Way
- Life From Afar
- Life Tree
- Light Up
- Lighthouse at Sunset
- Lightning Bug Creek
- Lights of the Night
- Lil Bo Sheep
- Lily of the Valley
- Lily Pad Puddle
- Lionfish
- Little Fish Aquarium
- Little Rudolph
- Living Forest
- Lodge Day
- London Calling
- London Hallows
- Lone Wolf
- Long Walks on the Beach
- Lorikeet Lovebirds
- Los Muertos
- Lost Voice
- Love Bug
- Love in the Air
- Love in the City
- Love in the Clouds
- Love in the Clouds (Blues)
- Love is Love
- Love Island (Neon Diptych)
- Love Like You
- Love My Hair
- Love Rain
- Love Tree
- Lovebirds Diptych
- Lover’s Cove
- Lovers Vacay
- Lovin California
- Loving Bunny
- Lucky Cat
- Majestic Garden
- Make a Wish
- Malefic Dragon
- Mallard
- Mango & Cha-Cha
- Margaritaville
- Mauve Barn
- Memory Falls
- Meowter Space
- Merry Slothmas
- Mi Amare
- Microcosm Blossom
- Midnight Blue
- Midnight Kiss
- Midnight Owl
- Midnight Snail
- Midnight Swim
- Miner’s Bouquet
- Mirabel’s Gift
- Miss Liberty
- Misty Woods
- Modern Sunset
- Mojave Sunset
- Kids Mojave Sunset
- Moms Flowers
- Monet’s Water Lilies (NEW)
- Monster Mash
- Moody Mountains
- Moon Bloom
- Moon Rise Swing
- Moon River
- Moon Seasons
- Moonlit Blossom
- Kids Moonlit Blossom
- Moonlit Dreams
- Moonlit Kitty
- Moonlit Pond
- Morning Dew
- Morning Pine
- Morning Sails
- Morning Walk
- Mount Fuji
- Mr. Grinch
- Mr. Frankie
- Mr. Turtle
- Murder of Crows
- Music of the Universe
- Musical Madness
- My Favorite Eggs
- Mystic Fields
- Mystic Pier
- Mystical Bamboo Forest
- Mythical Jungle
- Nebula
- Neon Color Blind
- Neon Jellies in Love
- Neon Kids Butterfly
- Neon Life Tree
- Neon Lightning Bug Creek
- Neon Love
- Neon Paint Pour
- Neon Peaceful Sunset
- Neon Starry Night
- Neon Sunsets
- Neon-d the Grave
- Nessie Encounter
- Nevermore Chaos
- New Years Toast
- Night Luminance
- Kids Night Owl
- Night Skies and Fireflies
- Night Time and Chill
- Night Cap
- Nightmare Forest
- Nights by the Sea
- Nosey Neighbor
- NYC Street Art
- O Christmas Tree
- Old Oak Tree
- Old-Fashioned
- Om Nom Nom!
- On My Way Home!
- On the Prairie
- On the Rocks
- On Things Above
- Once Upon a Time
- Onward
- Oogie Nights
- Ooh La La
- Open Studio
- Orange Blossoms
- Orange Sunset
- Orca & Baby
- Orchard Bloom
- Oregon Falls
- Origins
- Otterly Amusing
- Our Pride
- Out of the Autumnal Woods
- Out of Winter, Into Spring
- Out the Window
- Outer Beauty
- Over the Bridge
- Over the Clouds
- Pablo the Mariachi
- Paint Fill
- Paint Your Pet!
- Pale September
- Palm Paradise
- Paradise
- Pastel Fields
- Path of Flowers
- Peace of Mind
- Peaceful Dreams
- Peaceful Retreat
- Peaceful Strolls
- Peaceful Trails
- Peacock Feather
- Peek-a-Bat!
- Penguin Buddies
- Peppermint Cheers!
- Perfect Petals
- Petals and Puddles
- Phases
- Phoenix
- Picnic Party
- Pika-Boo Diptych
- Pink Flower Dreams
- Pink Sands
- Pitter Patter
- Pizza Dude
- Planet Party – NEWEST
- Planet Rave
- Pleasant Frost
- Plum Peaks
- Pogo the Platypus
- Polar Bear
- Polar Bear Snuggle
- Polar Lights
- Pop and Pour
- Poppy Season
- Precious Pegasus
- Prehistoric Besties
- Pretty and Pink
- Pretty Peacock
- Pretty Bird
- Pretty Paris
- Pretty Poinsetta
- Pretty Teapot
- Prickle
- Prize Pumpkin
- Kids Prize Pumpkin
- Pug Life
- Pumpkin Glow
- Pumpkin Heads
- The Pumpkin King
- Pumpkin Perchin’
- PupperooOOOO
- Puppers (NEW)
- Pure Vintage
- Purple Cow
- Purple Lake
- Purple Palms
- Puur-fect Pumpkin
- Quality You Can Taste
- Queen Energy
- Queen of Ice
- Queenasaurus
- Quiet Harbour
- Rad Pineapple
- Radiant Forest
- Radiant Seaside
- Radiant Sunsets
- Rain Duet
- Rainbow Butterfly
- Rainbow Cow
- Rainbow Eevee-lutions
- Rainbow Falls
- Rainbow Forest
- Rainbow Kitten
- Rainbow Leopard
- Rainbow Oasis
- Rainbow Pawprints
- Rainbow River
- Rainbow Sky
- Rainbow Winter
- Rare Rhino
- Red Bouquet
- Red Delicious
- Red Forest
- Red Hot
- Red Panda Nap
- Reflect
- Reflections in Paradise
- Reindeer Magic
- Release
- Remembering US
- Retreat to LA
- Ride the Wave
- Right on Time Brother
- Rise to the Sun
- Kids Rise to the Sun
- Road to Wonderland
- Robin’s Nest
- Rocky Shore
- Room 237
- Rosy Evening
- Ruby Rose
- Runnin’ Up That Hill
- Rustic Wreath
- Sabers
- Sakura Pink
- Sakura Temple
- Sandy Seagull
- Sandy Souls
- Save the Day!
- Say AAAH!
- Scattering Skies
- Scorned
- Sea Life
- Sea Lion at Sunset
- Sea Turtle
- Sea Witch
- Seagull Beach
- Sealed With a Kiss
- Seasons
- Seasons Greetings
- Seaweed & the Fishes
- Secret Passage
- Senor Cactus
- Roaming Through the Redwoods
- Serene Scene
- Serengeti Lion
- Serenity
- Shades of Brown
- Shady Stroll
- Shamrock Magic
- Sherbert Orca
- Sherbet Skies
- Shimmering Water
- Shiny Feather
- Shoreline Campfire
- Shoreside Nights
- Shoreside Sippin’ (remake)
- Shroom-Mates
- Silent Blossom
- Silent Night
- Silly Goose
- Silver Christmas
- Silver Lake
- Silver Screen
- Simple Succulent
- Simple Sunset
- Simplistic Beauty
- Simply Meant to Be
- Skies on Fire
- Slam Dunk
- Slithering By
- Snow at Sunset
- Snow Buddy
- Snow Friends
- Snow Girl
- Snow Globe Wonderland
- Snow Mare
- Snow-Capped Sunset
- Snowfall Sunset
- Snowflake
- Snowflake Magic
- Snowman
- Snowy Barn
- Snowy Cat
- Snowy Owl
- Snowy Trails
- Snowy Wonderland
- So Classic
- So Long, Santa
- SoCal Christmas
- Somber Night
- Somewhere in the Clouds
- Sorbet Sunset
- Souls Dont Die
- Space Turtles
- Space-getti
- Sparks are Flying
- Spidey Senses
- Spirit Train
- Spooky Cat
- Spooky Friend
- Spooky Manor
- Spooky Visitor
- Spotty Seal
- Spring Bloom
- Spring Bloom (kids)
- Spring Bunny
- Spring has Sprung
- Spring has Sprung (kids)
- Spring Sheep
- Spring Tulips
- Spring Wreath
- Springtime Bloom
- Springtime Willow
- Stained Butterfly
- Star Gazing
- Starry Holiday
- Starry Night
- Starry Night in LA
- Starry Night with You
- Starry Nightmare
- Starry Stream
- Stealing Christmas
- Stellar Friend
- Stink. Stank. Stunk.
- Storm in Central Park
- Stormy Lighthouse
- Strawberry Cow
- Stroll in the Garden
- Stuck on You
- Sugar Rush
- Summer Bloom
- Summer Cacti
- Summer Flamingo
- Summer Lights
- Summer Strawberry
- Summer Sunsets
- Sun and Moon
- Sun Rays and Manta Rays
- Sunflower
- Sunlit Butterflies
- Sunlit Canopy
- Sunnies and Flippies
- Sunny Cocktail
- Sunny Flower
- Sunset Bats
- Sunset Mermaid
- Sunset Palm
- Sunset Snooze
- Sunset Surf
- Sunsets at Santa Monica
- Sun’s Goin’ Down
- Super Bloom
- Sussy
- Sweet Talk
- Sweet Tooth
- Sweethearts
- Swimming Thoughts
- Tangerine Dreams
- Tchalla
- Thankful
- The Arctic
- The Beast
- The Beast is out There
- The Beauty of June
- The Bestest
- The Big Island
- The Bird is the Word
- The Final Battle
- The Flock in Flight
- The Heelers
- The North
- The One With the Painting
- The Outskirts
- Kids The Scream
- The Snow Wolf
- Witching Hour